Notes from Rocking Self Publishing #120
Awareness Week:
- Send out photos of cover for recognition
- Bookblast: Cover, price, buy link
- fussylibrarian
- digitalbooktoday
- ereadernewstoday
- bookgorilla
- bookbub
- bknights
- sweetfreebooks
- choosybookworm
- booksends
- ereadergirl
- Author Promotion (with authors connected with, sharing across author lists)
- Links to books
- newsletter
- Have self-published one PRINT EDITION of a book with a traditional print shop or a POD servicing company like CreateSpace or LightningSource/Ingram Spark.
- Have self-published one EBOOK EDITION of your book with Smashwords, Amazon, NookPress, iBooks, Kobo, etc.
- Have self-published one AUDIO EDITION with an online retailer like ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange), Audible, Books in Motion, iTunes, etc.
- Have self-published more than one PRINT or EBOOK in any of the above formats.
- Have passed your self-published book through your critique group, another published author, or had it professionally edited (we recommend all three) before you printed and/or uploaded it.