Bridge to Elsewhere Kickstarter is Live
anthology science fiction speculative fiction fundraisers
A ship is only as good as her crew. These are their stories.
Outland Entertainment has launched a new Kickstarter for their next anthology, titled BRIDGE TO ELSEWHERE.
Edited by Alana Joli Abbott & Julia Rios
Featuring Stories from:
L.X. Beckett, John Chu, Rin Chupeco, Zig Zag Claybourne, C.S.E. Cooney, E.R. Donaldson, R.S.A. Garcia, A.T. Greenblatt, Carlos Hernandez, SL Huang, Justin C. Key, Mari Kurisato, Malka Older, Anjali Patel, Alexandra Pitchford, Jennifer Lee Rossman, R J Theodore, Peter Tieryas, Valerie Valdes, and CG Volars
When this project hits its funding goal, my story "Gort, Cinder, and Sphinx" will go to print along with that amazing TOC of contributing authors!
Please give it your dollars and tell your SF-loving friends! Pledge your support today!
Anthology Synopsis
In the vastness of space, there's room for all types of adventures. Scientists seek to solve the mysteries of the universe. Explorers look for lost alien civilizations or new worlds to support life. Planet builders and planet smugglers create life and steal worlds. And some human spacefarers navigate with the help (or hindrance) of feline or feathered companions. The universe contains infinite possibilities—but while space is limitless, it's the people who travel it that make their adventures worth reading. And many of the decisions they make happen on the bridge of a spaceship.
On these pages, you will meet:
- Revolutionaries struggling toward a better life.
- AI who take matters into their own, robotic hands.
- Cats and their crews (including those who clean the litterboxes).
- Voyagers seeking lost homeworlds or new worlds where they can begin again.
- New crews learning to work together.
- Astronauts facing their last moments in the vastness of space.
- …and more!
Pledge just $10 and you'll get the digital book. Bump that pledge up to $20, and you'll get to hold this gorgeous anthology with its beautiful cover illustration by Ella Denson-Redding and design by Jeremy D. Mohler.
Edited 12/1/21: Thank you to everyone who supported this KickStarter campaign. The anthology successfully funded and met all its stretch goals! Look for Bridge to Elsewhere in 2022!