Posted 19 Oct 2017 drafting editing science fiction
Monday night, I was finally able to launch the site I've been building for my day job. It's not done, but it is live. I can now return to the schedule of working on that during office hours, taking weekends off, and all the normal things that allow me to do my own projects outside of work. I am endeavoring to get back to my normal sleep schedule. I still fell asleep on the couch last night but it wasn't past midnight when I finally went to bed. This morning I was actually aware of my alarm going off, and I got up on time. Yesterday I was also able to get back to work on Salvage's current revision. I took my laptop to a coffee shop at lunch (even though I desperately need to reform my walking habits), and though I'm only at 10% of the way through the 120K-word manuscript, there has been a leap in progress in the last 36 hours. My hope is to finish the revision in the next week and a half, to clear the deck during NaNoWriMo. My current plan is to dive back into my Phantom Traveler serial for November. The problem is that my current format is very vignette-y, and I want to release a short-form novel to kick it off, and then run the serialized shorter pieces through Patreon. But a short-form novel needs more of a plot, and I haven't yet discovered what that plot will be. No matter what I work on, I know myself well enough not to attempt it without a plan. Now that the largest mental resources have been freed outside of my day-job hours again, I hope I am able to outline my way through it. I wanted to use BeemGee for this, but the free trial period has ended without really getting the time in to play with it, and I'm not sure it's worth a subscription at this point (especially if I've proven I don't have the time for their in-depth profile creations). Anyway, that's where I am right now. FLOTSAM has a listing on Goodreads now, which is terribly exciting. It's one of those pieces of the process that make this whole thing seem awfully real. There's a review already, too, evidence that strangers are holding my book in hand, reading it, and finishing it. It's surreal, after so much time and effort put into creating it in isolation.Next Finality