Cover Reveal & Flights of Foundry Schedule

cover reveal event schedule

Unfettered Hexes Cover Reveal

Last week, LGBTQ Reads had the scoop on the cover reveal for the Unfettered Hexes anthology from Neon Hemlock. My entry in this anthology, "The Coven of TAOS-9" is cosmic horror on a space station, rendered with a warm blankie of friendship and a boiling cup of anti-capitalism.I satisfied myself re-tweeting the reveal to resist the urge to post the cover to my website bibliography the same day.

Check out the amazing covenly attitude in the cover at the link above, then pre-order your copy via Backerkit!

Flights of Foundry Schedule

If you'll be attending Flights of Foundry's virtual conference this weekend (registration is free!), I'll be doing a reading, leading a co-working session, and moderating a panel on Branching into Multiple Media. Thanks to the team from Flights of Foundry for including me in so much programming!