Wake Turbulence

A friend and editor has repeatedly told me she wishes I would blog my writing process. I've never been entirely comfortable with that idea. If I'm blogging, doesn't that mean I'm not writing? As someone with a single novel that's been in the works for more than twelve years, the last thing I need is one more way to eat up precious writing time. But I do need an outlet. Sometimes you just need to talk something out, and all your friends and loved ones have that glassy stare that tells me I'm talking in too many abstracts for them to follow. I may as well do that out loud, to the internet. So, here is this blog. It's tied to the website I haven't built myself yet, RJTheodore.com. I did mention I ought to be writing instead of inventing more projects, did I not? If you use NaNoWriMo, you can find me there as rjtheodore. On Twitter I'm @bittybittyzap.