Flotsam is Here! (Plus a scavenger hunt for Peridot Tales)

new releases science fiction Science Fantasy Robot Dinosaur Press self-publishing

For the second time in this book's history, the big day has arrived: release day!

Flotsam's second edition is out today, and I can't help feeling as much work went into this second release as the first one, if not more. The book went through new rounds of revisions, got a new cover, I wrote all the book tour posts you'll see me talking about later this month, and I prepped all the layout files to produce the books, reviewing prints and ebooks and making fixes when page elements misbehaved. The first time, there was a team at Parvus in charge of many of these things. Now it's just me, and I really do feel like I've done the work of an entire production team. Now to catch up on the rest of an entire production team!

If you pre-ordered Flotsam, your copy should either be in your ereader already or on its way to you through th email (supply chains willing). If you haven't purchased a copy yet, no time like today! Boosting a book during its launch is a great way to help keep it afloat in the rankings so it doesn't disappear beneath the next pile of new releases. Thanks for your support!

Today's book tour treat is an interview about the process of revising Flotsam over in the "Author to Author" section of Jo Ladzinski's website.

The other new announcement is that there are now three Tales of Peridot that you can track down and read in various places. The flash story "Meran's Cataclysm" used to be the reward when people signed up for my newsletter, but that has just moved into my Gumroad shop for anyone to read, pay what you want. Mixing it up, my Newsletter subscribers now get an ebook of Love & Pickpockets, a brand new, 8,000-word short story starring Talis. That third Peridot Tale is a thank-you to my Patreon supporters. Twelve-thousand new words of more contracts-gone-sideways, Gods-Rotted Escort Mission is available to all support tiers.

And I'll have a fourth new Peridot Tale for you to track down soon! More on that another day, though.

To get all the release effort updates, be sure to follow me on Twitter, @bittybittyzap, and make sure you're subscribed to the newsletter (cause hey, free story)!

Promotional graphic for Flotsam, showing the book in digital and paperback. Words read: Second Edition Available Now! with blurb: I can't stop thinking about the world of Flotsam. Science-fiction, alchemy, and airships. It's magic. — Mary Robinette Kowal. The Footer shows the Robot Dinosaur Press logo and robotdinosaurpress.com