New Story Available: The Application of Strawberry Lip Gloss in a Low-Gravity Environment

Lightspeed Magazine new releases Science Fantasy science fiction short fiction

Lightspeed Issue 148 Issue 148

My story story, "The Application of Strawberry Lip Gloss in a Low-Gravity Environment" is now available in the ebook edition of Lightspeed Issue 148 (September 2022), available for $3.99, or you can subscribe to Lightspeed for just $35.88/year.

This story came together very quickly. I was spurred on by a desire to write a queer romance that had room for asexual characters, queer attraction, and an aversion to physical contact. The characters came running, eager to participate in this story! Additionally, the influence of all the SF movies and books I've enjoyed came tumbling after, especially the idea of space not being about a clean and organized fleet, but an extension of the mess that humanity is on our planet.

In how I relate to this story, I am a combination of the two participants in this relationship. I am at once surrounded by twinkling faerie lights—I mean, heck, look at the title I went with here—and simultaneously tired and looking for an easy job to just catch a bit of a break. I think I am often all of my characters, though. (Except Hankirk. I really hope I have nothing in me of Hankirk.)

If you purchase this issue and read my story, I'd love to know what you think! Tag me on social media or leave a message via my contact form. I hope you enjoy!

Issue 148 Contents

Science Fiction Stories

  • The CRISPR Cookbook: A Guide to Biohacking Your Own Abortion in a Post-Roe World, by MKRNYILGLD
  • Civilian Assumptions, by Dominique Dickey
  • The Application of Strawberry Lip Gloss in a Low-Gravity Environment, by R J Theodore
  • Eminence, by Karl Schroeder

Fantasy Stories

  • The Inheritance of Dust and Leather, by Jenny Rae Rappaport
  • The Queen of the Earless Seals of Lake Baikal, by Kristina Ten
  • The Sister City, by Cody Goodfellow
  • Her Five Farewells, by Martin Cahill


  • Editorial: September 2022 by John Joseph Adams
  • Book Review: She and Her Cat, by Makoto Shinkai, translated by Naruki Nagakawa, by Aigner Loren Wilson
  • Book Review: Africa Risen, edited by Thomas, Ekpeki, & Knight, by Arley Sorg
  • Book Review: Other Terrors, edited by Liaguno & Mason, by Chris Kluwe

Exclusive Paid Content

  • NOVEL EXCERPT: Desert Creatures. by Kay Chronister